GeorgiaThis page includes schools from Georgia that responded to the survey and wanted to be included on the website. If you did not respond but would like to be included in the listing please contact Dr. David L. Downing at Or, if you would like to complete the survey online, click the button below and your survey response will be submitted for review. |
University of West Georgia Professor and Chair: Donadrian L. Rice, Ph.D. Email: Phone: 678.839.6510 FAX: 678.839.0611 Department of Psychology University of West Georgia Carrollton, GA. 30118 Is your doctoral program accredited by the American Psychological Association? No Is your program considered open to and inclusive of Psychoanalytical/Psychodynamic theory and practice? Yes Does your program have any faculty that are certified psychoanalysts, or in psychoanalytical training? Yes (Lacanian)
Does your program have psychoanalytically-oriented faculty, and include psychoanalytical thought in their courses? Yes Does your program require introductory courses on psychoanalytical theories and psychotherapy? No Which psychoanalytical theoretical perspectives does your Program offer? Lacanian, Does your program cover special topics from psychoanalytical perspectives such as treatment of severe psychopathology, race, class, gender/sexuality, dreams, supervision, transference/counter-transference? Yes Does your program require courses on short-term psychotherapy and crisis intervention that include psychoanalytical perspectives? No Program Description Provided by the Institution: PsyD Program The doctoral program in Individual, Organizational, and Community Transformation is dedicated to preparing a new kind of psychologist to meet the unprecedented challenges of the 21st century. The preparation entails focused exploration of the dynamic interface between consciousness and society, individual experience and collective structures. The program includes critical and psycho-social approaches in discursive and psychoanalytic traditions. Contact Dr. Kareen Malome Department of Psychology University of West Georgia Carrollton, GA. 30118 678.839.6510 |